
These Terms & Conditions form part of the contract established between the developer and the client

The Client ­- you, or your company

The Developer – Oliver Partridge t/as Tring Web Design

The Project ­- the work that is being undertaken as agreed to in the project proposal


Project proposals and quotes are valid for 30 days from the date of receipt by the client. The developer retains the right to withdraw from the quote at any time

Any additional work requested by the client which is not included in the original proposal will be quoted for as an addition to the original quote. Any additional work not quoted for in the original proposal is subject to a 1 hour minimum charge

Quotes are subject to change without notice and prices include VAT


The client agrees to supply the developer all requested material to complete the project, which may include, but not limited to:

  • Images
  • Text
  • Videos
  • Any WordPress administrator login credentials
  • Any relevant login credentials for third party services such as existing hosting or domain name registrars

The client agrees that any material provided to the developer for completion of the project can be used with full permission of the original author or is owned by the client. The Client agrees that in the event a claim under copyright law as a result of using the supplied media and content is brought against the client then the developer will be held harmless from said claim and additionally protected and defended by the client at his/her own cost.

If any article of material is not provided within either agreed timescales, or 90 days, the developer reserves the right to invoice for the full project at the cost agreed to in the proposal/quote.

Payment Terms

Invoice payment terms are strictly 30 days from date of invoice. Minimum charge for doing anything is £55/hour.

Late Payment

The interest the developer charges if the client is late paying for goods or a service is based on ‘statutory interest’ – this is 8% plus the Bank of England base rate. Interest will be accrued on a daily basis after the invoice becomes late. Payment terms are 30 days form date of invoice unless otherwise stated.

If an invoice sent to the client is showing as outstanding the developer can decline any further work on the clients project until such time the invoice is paid and the developer reserves the right to remove any live website produced for the client if payment has not been received.

If a deposit has been received by the developer from the client to start a project, but final payment exceeds 30 days, the developer may at his discretion, reduce the website viewable state to the % amount of the deposit – for example if 1/3 of the final cost was received as an initial deposit to commence work and the final payment on job completion is late, the developer may reduce the viewable area of a website to 1/3 of the screen – you’ve paid for a third, so that’s what you’ll get – one third of a website.

If a late invoice is finally paid, there is a reactivation fee of £55 payable to make the site live again.

Domain Names

The developer registers domain names with 3rd party companies. Registering a domain name requires contact details for the domain name. Normally the contact details are of the clients (name, email, address, phone etc). and the domain will be registered as such. It is the responsibility of the client to tell the developer to renew a domain name when the renewal date arrives. If no notification is received from the client to renew a domain name then the name will expire and all services will be stopped on the domain.

Unless otherwise instructed, the client is responsible for telling me if they no longer require a domain name. If the client fails to do this they are responsible for any further domain registration costs.

Web Hosting

Any client supplied web hosting services are the responsibility of the client. Any work undertaken to rectify issues with client supplied web hosting will be charged extra. Examples of issues:

  1. File permissions issues
  2. ModSecurity WAF Issues and/or and other third party firewall/blacklist conditions

If rectifying any issues with client supplied web hosting arise, and I am asked to carry out the rectification, full access to said web hosting will be needed (FTP and/or cPanel login) and authorisation to contact the client’s web hosting support services to rectify issues.

SEO Work

There are no guarantees given when conducting SEO work. The developer doesn’t work for Google and cannot know their algorithm. Therefore any SEO work undertaken is done on the assumption that obtaining desired rankings for the clients’ search phrases isn’t guaranteed.

Schedules, Timings & Deadlines

Note that I am currently in full-time employment (e.g. not contractual) with a company. This means for two days of the working week, the Developer is unavailable to work as Tring Web Design. The client needs to be aware of this when considering tight deadlines as during those two days (currently Monday and Friday) I can’t work on the Project.

When quoting a project the developer will provide a realistic time to complete the project. If the developer is working on a consultancy basis per hour, the client will provide sufficient time for the project. The developer will be accommodating to most projects but the developer can’t drop tools to spend a week working on the project at a drop of the hat.

Overtime / Weekend Rates

If the Project requires additional work to meet an agreed deadline, perhaps over a weekend , public bank holiday or evening then this time is charged out at x1.5 the Hourly rate. Circumstances where overtime may occur include:

  1. Delays caused by clients infrastructure
  2. A change to the agreed deadline made by the client
  3. Anything outside of the developers control


The Developer will not accept liability for any physical or financial loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence from the work carried out on the Project. The Developer endeavours to provide a service of the highest quality; however, the Developer cannot guarantee that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free. The Developer is not responsible for claims brought by third parties arising from your use of the Developer’s services.


Specifically relating to Projects involving credit card transactions and websites that accept credit cards, it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure they have complied with and met their obligations for PCI-DSS compliance. The Client has a financial relationship with a merchant bank and it cannot be assumed that the Developer will complete any form of SAQ on behalf of the Client. The Developer assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any financial losses or fines incurred from merchant or acquiring banks due to the failure of the Client to reach PCI-DSS Compliance.

External Contractors

If the Project uses external contractors to fulfil a service on the Project and it requires integration to be performed by the Developer, the Client will assume all responsibility that the external contractor supplies the Developer with all the necessary information required and requested to perform any custom integration.

WordPress Maintenance Service

The purpose of the WordPress Maintenance Service is to keep versions of WordPress, Themes and Plug-ins up-to-date. Whilst some plug-ins are free, the Client may have purchased premium plug-ins. In order to update any premium plug-ins the Developer will require any third party logins to download any update files. If the Client can’t supply logins then the Developer can’t update the necessary files.

The Developer will take all reasonable steps to follow any specific update instructions for third party software installed in WordPress but can’t guarantee the quality of any third party software will be issue free. If, during updating WordPress, Themes or Plug-ins issues arise due to the quality of third party code the Developer assumes no responsibility for any site downtime or work lost.

It is assumed that unless specified, updates will be performed during normal working hours at a time suitable for the Developer. If the Client require updates to be performed outside of normal working hours then this can be pre-arranged at my normal hourly rate in addition to the base WordPress Maintenance Service cost.


Meetings can be time consuming and take the Developer away from actually building websites. Therefore any time spent at meetings, whether on or off site is chargeable at the Developers normal hourly rate.

Unsupported Platforms

By unsupported platforms the developer means frameworks – Joomla, Drupla, Magento etc. In some situations the client believes that the developers skills are transferable. It should be clear from the developers front facing website ( that the developer only gets involved in WordPress framework projects.

Whilst the developer recognises that his skills have a margin of overlap into other frameworks due to their base programming languages , there are no guarantees to the client of success whilst working on a project in an unsupported framework and any work done in an unsupported framework will be charged at the going hourly rate. Instructing the developer to work on an unsupported framework is entirely at the clients own risk.

Unsupported platforms also means things like outdated operating systems (Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android/iPhones) and non-supported browsers such as Internet Explorer (IE). It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that their technology is up-to-date and fully patched. I can’t take responsibility for a website or service that I provide not working on an unsupported platform.

General Support

From time to time the developer may get involved in general IT support queries such as email setup on clients’ machines. It is the clients responsibility to ensure that their hardware and software is up-to-date.

Termination of Services

If the Client has their web property compromised by a third party (hacked). The developer reserves the right to terminate any services that may impinge on the developers other clients. Any time incurred in either resolving a compromised site or working towards a migration away from the developers services will be chargeable at the published hourly rate.

Cancelling Services

If the client wishes to cancel products and/or services from the developer they may do so in writing. No part pro-rata refunds are given. 30 days notice is required if cancelling services.


Unless otherwise agreed upon, current rates can be found here. Work conducted outside of normal working hours is chargeable at the following rates:

  • Weekends – x1.5 hourly rate
  • Public Holidays – x2 hourly rate

Changes to these terms and conditions

This page will be updated with the latest version of our Terms & Conditions. Last updated: 18 November 2023.



+44 (0) 1442 800 500 or
