These two functions, when put into your WordPress theme’s functions.php, will filter the Yoast generated OpenGraph and Twitter tags.

How to filter the Yoast OG tags

Specifically, they will remove any string from the OG and Twitter description tags. I had to do this as Easy Social Share Buttons text was getting output in the tags when the buttons were positioned at the start of the post.

function blue_og_desc_filter( $ogdesc ) {
	return str_replace( 'Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Email WhatsApp', '', $ogdesc );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_desc', 'blue_og_desc_filter' );

function blue_twitter_desc_filter( $meta_desc ) {
	return str_replace( 'Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Email WhatsApp', '', $meta_desc );
add_filter( 'wpseo_twitter_description', 'blue_twitter_desc_filter' );